Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Transportation In Pakistan:

There are many transportation facilities of Pakistan. Here I am discussing some transportations source, as they follow
Busses, Bicycle, Trains, Trucks, helicopters, and aircraft.
There is various transportation which runs this route, which is an experience in itself. Public busses are common in big cities like Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Peshawar and Karachi Peshawar. The rate for a travel is someplace between 10Rp-20Rp around the town. The passengers are divided by gender, female in front and male behind. Female passengers will not feel too uncomfortable with the journey.Public buses are a good way to get around in cities in Pakistan. People can usually point you a correct bus to the target you want to go. But if you have a local friend, they will maybe tell you not to go with public buses mainly if you are a female. Female in Pakistan don’t go to public without a male companion.Most of the time I am in public buses, no complain so distant even if sometimes the driver can be really irresponsible.
Trains: Train journey is better by the busses journey; it is fastest journey by the busses journey, because time is not wasted by the busses journey.
BY AIR JOURNEY: it is very fastest transportation facility of travel.. we travelled the others country with in 1 and 2 hours. Airoplan journey is so relex journey .we can never tired on this journey. We can save the time on this journey.

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