Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Water importance in our life:

As every one knows that water role is most important in our life. Water is very necessary for the human life. Without water living things could not survive in the life. Human body needs the daily eight glass of the water, so doctor always advice us, maximum we should drinks the daily eight glass of water. If there is deficiency of water in the human life, then they could not remain health. Beside this water is necessary for the plants and crops, without water crops and plants will be damaged. So if crops are damage then what we will be use in the food? So crops and plants are necessary for our health. Plants help us for taking the oxygen as we know oxygen is very important for health, because we use oxygen for taking breath. So without oxygen we could not live in life.
Here are some more advantages of water.
Water plays role in the prevention of disease.
We use the water for making the foods.
Water using for the cleanness, washing cloth and taking the bath.
Water using for making the electricity.
So we do not waste the water. We should always use the water for our needs so we should avoid the extra using of water.

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