Sunday, August 22, 2010

Advantages & Disadvantages of Mobile Usage

uses mobile phones has lots of advantages and disadvantages:
Mobile Advantages:
  1. Mobile is a source of quick communication, contact with others easily.
  2. Mobile phones has become necessity of every person.
  3. No Limit or places, You can send messages through mobile with others easily.
  4. Mobile Phones is a source of Entertainment.
  5. When we are bored, then we can use the Mobile phones

Mobile Disadvantages:

  1. People spend less Time gathering with family.
  2. People wasting their Time and wastage the money for buying new style mobils.
  3. Electronic Pollution
  4. No signals in remote Areas.
  5. Disturb our study, because lot of students mobile used during lesson . It will be affects their study.


  1. Great! How do mobile phones contribute to 'Electronic Pollution' though?

  2. simply mobile rays affects on ears and brain
